- Radheya Jegatheva and Jay Jay Jegathesan for Irony

A film that explores the relationship between man and technology...told from the perspective of a phone. This animated film is based on the poem 'Seven Billion' written by the film director that won 2 National poetry awards: The Young Australian Writer’s National Award for Poetry, selected out of a field of 30,000 and the Karen W Treanor Poetry Award (Youth).

Disclaimer: The message of the video isn't to say technology and social media is evil and we should go back to the stone age, it's about humanity and our relationship with it. This entire film was created on my laptop, the soundtrack is completely digital, and I use social media and technology - this all goes back to the name of the film, iRony. We reap the benefits of social media and technology every day and of course it's incredibly useful and convenient, I just wanted to look at particular aspects of it through a more critical lens and bring awareness to terrible issues such as cyber-bullying and in turn, teen suicide. My goal with this film was to hopefully cause discussion or at least contemplation about these issues in a creative way, and to make people reconsider the over-consumption of social media or the ways in which it can be harmful. Radheya Jegatheva
