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The Justice News App powered by The Justice Coins | A Game Changer for Everyone.

Writer: Imran SiddiquiImran Siddiqui

If a family of 4 can save $9,000 per month - in 10 years they will be Millionaires - How Did Your Last 10 Years Go?

So how can that occur? It can - Simply by building and using The Justice News App powered by The Justice Coins - a rewards based digital currency backed by Silver - The Justice App will raise funds for the Wrongfully Incarcerated Innocent People and their Families while rewarding our members with real money to buy food, water and shelter.

9 November 2022 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News | Washington D.C.

Peace to all Justice Warriors -

This entire past year I got so involved in telling true stories of wrongfully convicted innocent people that I forgot about the few remaining Justice Warriors who enabled us to continue this fight for the Innocent. So after thanking God, our thank you, goes out to you guys, for your courage, no matter what size. You stood up for Justice and for what is Right and Fair which is good and you helped Innocent people reclaim their dignity by building the Free Captives Innocence Campaigns. There are now about 30 of them flooding the algorithms of information through the world wide web and bringing back dignity to the names of wrongfully convicted Innocent people who were simply branded as id “Numbers” before, but no more.

So this article may take a few minutes to read but it might benefit you with a positive outcome for you too, so you can start building a rock-solid foundation for yourselves and your families if you care to do so. Last time someone said that to me, I didn't believe it and I missed the boat. This time, I'm making sure I don't.

As a token of our appreciation for your bravery and for having the heart to stand up against corrupt state and government officials who have destroyed the lives of millions of Innocent men and women and their families, the least we can do for you - the Justice Warriors - is to sincerely try and figure out a way to reward you - and then by applying technology, we make that reward permanent for all.

I hope you noticed the JCs, The Justice Coins “Digital Drop” in your Justice News accounts during the first week of November 2022. You are now officially “The Justice Coins” Holder, of its initial version at least. The JC Coin will eventually become the Digital Money from Justice News. You should have at least 10,000 JCs in your JWallets/My rewards section. If not then send us an email and we will drop another 10K JC for you. This is just a teaser of what’s about to come. For now, 10K JC in your wallet means = Actual $1 USD - in real terms - We are giving you that $1 or JC 10,000 Coins, as a gift, and this is just the beginning. As The Justice Coins are officially launched on digital exchanges across the world, its final price listed and it starts to trade, and you can use this Coin everywhere - the game is going to change.

The Backdrop |

“Need = Product = Fulfillment = Utility = Income = Freedom = Peace”

Those of you who know me must have heard me talk about the Justice Coins over the years, and more so since the last year, because every rich person who knows about “UBI - Universal Basic Income” - or has talked about it, has done nothing concrete about it so far - because it goes against their core interests, which is to keep you enslaved to them forever. We intend to change that, if wishes the God, by building, using and implementing The Justice Coins Digital Rewards Program designed by Justice News USA.

With the launch of The Justice Coins points-based rewards program on the Justice News current web site we have taken the first small step on our long march to launching the actual digital coin JC that can lead many to financial freedom - by using technology and rewarding the people for their valuable and securely monetized time on the upcoming Justice News App.

Today, the value of any kind of paper or digital fake money is “0” because it is not backed by anything except the trust you put into it. The same goes for anything else that we do with each other - It’s all about the “Trust” - but if that something else is backed by something tangible, or physical, then it carries collateral value. They used to tell us, “money doesn't grow on trees”, and yet they’ve been printing fake money on paper for ages. They said, “money doesn't come out of thin air”, yet they turned all fake paper money into digital unseen so-called assets that live in a cloud somewhere, backed by nothing, you can only look at it on your digital screens and then they charge you usury on it.

See how they’ve been fooling us all along? The only real money is Gold and Silver or any other medium which is backed by these two elements that you can use to buy and sell stuff or trade in open markets - Gold and Silver are created and run by God. This is how it is and will not change until the end.

Not everyone can get Gold and Silver so easily, so what do you do? How can you securely and without having to bleed to death to buy your food, water and shelter, and your freedom, do some kind of work that can get you enough money to help yourself - and maybe also help others?

The Justice Coins on The Justice News App | A Secure Digital Currency | Real Money that is Backed with Silver | THE JC | A Utility Rewards Coin system that pays you for your time.

My realization to build a “Just” digital currency grew even more and became imperative after I went through the past 30+ cases of wrongful convictions that we covered on Justice News in 21 and 22.

Many of these Innocent but incarcerated guys had no money to buy food, or buy stamps to send emails or hire an attorney or a good private investigator or call me on my number. Most were ripped off by corrupt defense attorneys who abandoned their families and left them broke, saddened, disappointed, and worst of all - demotivated. We did the first 18 cases spanning two seasons without a single charge to anyone. I couldn't dare to ask anyone for money - I hated it - so I self-funded Justice News using the digital currencies that I had saved up a few years ago by some miracle of God. Some of the major digital currencies of today were "pennies to a dollar" just a few years ago, now they're worth much more than that, most of them are now valued in millions. It’s all about the “Utility” and the “Trust”.

Digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum Ripple, Doge, LTC, and others are not just lightning-fast and cost effective mediums, they are also highly scalable, but the reason why I'm not interested in minting The Justice Coins on their Blockchain but on our own is because our objectives are different. What we plan to do with The Justice Coins, is to help people build their lives, it cannot be a “Pump and Dump” scheme nor can it function as a “ Ponzi Scheme” nor can it work to benefit companies and corporations and just their founders. The Justice Coins are designed to empower everyone to use money as a “Utility” by monetizing their time using a system which can assist anyone in becoming a millionaire over a disciplined period of time simply by putting in their Due Diligence for a Cause working on the JC App. The Justice Coins are under a test mode on another digital media platform LFXTV where more than 200 users are testing it. We do not have any real competitors, some might act like they have another kind of “Justice Coins”, but the fact is that none of these ventures out there want to actually benefit you and me - they want to milk you then dump you. We want to build you and then financially empower you - Two different objectives.

The Justice News App powered by The Justice Coins is being designed by professional justice activists and programmers who share our passion of "Justice For the Innocent". It will be a one-stop home for all things Justice. An intuitive app to make things easier for the families and the accused in formating, researching and building their Innocence Campaigns as they fight their cases using the web, creative branding, contextual text, and broadcast media tools all backed with a real digital currency on the Blockchain. Thus the issue of "lack of money", would become an obsolete issue. Game Changed.

Besides my old Crypto stash fueling Justice News and a few of our JPatrons, the first person to financially support Justice News was my mother, former criminal defense attorney Rizwana Hill. I grew up watching her fight for the innocent for three decades. Many losses, maybe one or two wins, but she continued. I see the common threads between all these cases of wrongful convictions that we cover at Justice News in America and what I saw and heard during my childhood in and outside Karachi courtrooms in Pakistan. The Pakistani justice system is as corrupt as that of the U.S. and sadly Americans are not alone. The fact is that The Justice Coins can also change the game for any other nation with a corrupt Justice System and no self-run fair mechanism where the Innocent could be helped and the government is held accountable for the wrongs that they have done to Innocent people. The JC Coin will have the scalability to be used securely anywhere in the world by any nation on any system, transparently and freely.

They are fooling us with their financial games worldwide, manipulating our lives with made-up fake belief systems that have not worked out in your favor in any way, shape, or form. Why do we allow this to continue? Because you have some dollars saved up in your bank account - What if they crash the U.S. dollar tomorrow? Then what will you do when your saved up dollars become pennies with a mock-up currency called the Patriot Coins, or any other State Coins that they plan to replace the dollar with.

Justice News on The Blockchain || Earn. Save. Spend. Save. Repeat with Discipline.

If you already know about this technology then you know what I mean, if you don’t know much about the Blockchain then I suggest you do some research on it. After 6 years of working and losing some, and then winning some, trying to understand Blockchain technology and how real digital currencies function, I now understand the only way I can seriously help these Innocent guys in prisons across America and their families, is by launching our actual, usable, scalable, secure digital currency, with a basic utility function and which will be backed by Silver. The first digital ecosystem of UBI - Universal Basic Income model that will pay people to watch, read, listen, engage, take action and share our original content, the true stories of Innocent men and women abandoned in American prisons. With this digital currency, the JC will raise "Real Money" every day on its platform to fight for these cases of actual innocence that the media and the state continue to blindly ignore even after decades. The JC will be the Hedge between the Accuser and the Accused. It will stand for the freedom and exoneration of the Innocent. It will work as a shiled of justice for their families, and those who require money to support their families with life’s necessities. They will never have to ask anyone else for help because they will earn their money for themselves and then share a small percentage of those earnings with the Innocent. Real digital money that can be converted, exchanged, transferred, and used as a Utility Coin on our Blockchain and used anywhere else after an easy conversation with another currency of choice - The Justice Coins - More on The Justice Coins here.

This is a curtain raiser, a tiny part of our roadmap for The Justice Coins that we are sharing with you, our members, and the people of America. The rest will unfold as a “Roll Out Strategy” over the coming months. The actual working document, the so-called “Whitepaper” has already started to execute itself.

The Justice News App powered by The Justice Coins - Phase 1 - Has Begun

For now, even though The Justice Coins is currently a points-based rewards program on our system, but it does have an actual utility. For instance, over 107 members that signed up have instantly received 10,000 JC in their accounts, where 10k JC has an “Actual Value” of $1.00. Justice News has already issued over 1.1 million Justice Coins to its members since the beginning of November 22.

When someone takes the initiative to buy anything on the JStore or subscribe to any of the JPlans and become a paying member of Justice News to support the fight for the innocent, they instantly get 1 dollar off on any purchase they make. That’s creating “Value” - out of your time spent and your intent - but this “Value” is for real. When someone applies the 1BUCKOFF coupon at check out then someone else on the other side is also taking an initiative to respond in kind by creating a positive outcome of giving that $1 discount on the purchase, and when you repeat that usage and compound the savings on a regular basis, it becomes a “Utility”. This brings about an enhanced “Value Based Experience” for both parties. This “Value” which comes out of your time spent grows even more as members continue to spend time and buy products and services they earn more JC rewards that they can use on their next purchase. Earn, spend, save, then repeat - “Value”. As the JC rewards program unfolds on Justice News it will manifest into the actual Justice Coins on the Blockchain backed by real Silver which will retain that “Value” in a more tangible form. The Justice Coins are in “Beta 1.07” active display mode right now so you can see for yourself and understand where we plan to take these digital coins with a clear strategy and a plan in place.

Click below to view the presentation.

Justice News + Justice Coin App | The Fundraiser

The money we are raising through this fundraiser which is set to run until midnight of Jan 9 2023 is for building The Justice News App platform. The web app first and then the apps for mobile devices.

There are two ways to participate in this fundraiser and become a JC Stakeholder while also supporting the fight for the Innocent at Justice News. Fundraiser on Fundrazr - Fundraiser on TheJusticeCoins.Com.

We are also offering Justice News premium content as memberships and subscription services to our members and the general public at large as part of the fundraiser so people can learn more about the Innocent, their struggle for freedom and what we do for the cause of Justice. In return, we can raise the funds needed to build The Justice News App powered by The Justice Coins in a dignified manner by offering value in exchange rather than asking people for donations without a purpose, a roadmap or clear objectives of what we plan to do with the product.

Justice News is raising 107k USD to build the Justice News App powered by The Justice Coins, on a secure eco-system that is scalable, uncensorable and cannot be deplatformed- From the funds being raised through the sales of our subscription plans, Justice News will purchase actual Silver and use that as collateral to formally execute our concept and design to build and launch the citizens' digital currency - The Justice Coins on The Justice News App.

All members who are holding The Justice Coins right now, make sure you always keep some of them in your wallets because you don’t know where the price of this Coin will go once it’s officially launched. To you, it may seem like pennies to a dollar today, but this is how every successful, actionable, utility-based digital currency on the Blockchain has launched, evolved, survived, and thrived because they offer some sort of a “Value” to the holder with a tangible "Utility" that provides a good return on your time spent.

Be Just | The Rest will Take Care of itself

Imagine what can be done on such a fundraising app once launched. At the end of your online experience on The Justice News + Justice Coin App, if you spend 4 hours listening, reading, interacting, engaging, and sharing original stories about the Innocent people that we report on, you will actually and in all seriousness. get paid by Justice News with its real digital money called the JC that you can convert to use and do whatever that you want with it, once fully launched and activated. In the coming future, our core objective is to allow every American to earn a minimum of $120+ per day, about 1.2 Million JC, which should get them earning about 3.7k USD per month. The reason why we want to begin with 3.7k USD/month as the target is that if you have a guarantee of getting at least that much finance per month, doing something that you like, from the comfort of your home and also help the innocent along the way, then your basic bills are fully covered. When you don't have to worry about your rent, your food, your water, your power, phone lines, internet, or the basic stuff that you need to live these days, then you are in a position to choose to do what you love to do, what you truly like to do and enjoy doing rather than being enslaved to the kind for work that you hate doing but you think you got to do it just because you need their fake money. Because you “believe” and “Trust” them and their current system which is inherently “Unjust”, “Unfair” and was designed by “Fake Money Mob” to rule over you and force you to follow and use their chaotic financial system, the "Actual Ponzi Scheme" which is not backed by anything except your sweat, your blood and your indebtedness to them.

The Offering - besides the free 10k JC on sign up

+ Another 20k JC from the Founders Fund with Equity + 7 Bonus Gifts

  1. Your name on The Justice Wall as Justice News Warrior Patrons

  2. Your name and credits on the App and on The Justice Coin site

  3. Founding Lifetime Member of Justice News + Justice Coins App

  4. Justice News and Justice Coins Merch - mugs, tshirts, and hats.

  5. Lifetime Subscription to The JPaper - Daily news on Injustices

  6. Lifetime Subscription to Justice Insider - The Monthly InJustice Magazine

  7. A personal gift from me to you. Every person supporting The Justice News App powered by The Justice Coins Fundraiser will get a personal digital download of my new album "Breathe" releasing in early 2023 by Global Crossover records. The radio versions of the full songs from the upcoming album are on J107 Artists streaming on J107 Justice Radio.

Some of the radio versions of my songs from "Breathe" are on Youtube until album launch then available on J107 Artists, and The Justice News App. J107 Artists is an initiative from J107 Justice Radio to support artists who support the Innocent using the leverage of their music and songs.

My next album "Breathe" is what I'm gifting to the wrongfully convicted as the first recording artist to stand up and support the Innocent in their fight against wrongful convictions. imransid | "Breathe" on Justice Radio All proceeds from the sales of this album will go to building the JApp.

The Justice News + Justice Coin App - The Platform

How Justice News App + Justice Coins Will Function | To Both Parties Advantage

On The Justice News + Justice Coin App, once a member has spent a minimum of 4 hours supporting the Innocence Campaign of their choice, they will see in their balance section a minimum of 120 U.S. Dollars or 1.2 million Justice Coins. When that occurs they can easily convert the JC into USD or any other FIAT or digital currency. Before you are ready to transfer your earned money into your bank accounts you will be prompted to donate at least 10% of that 120 U.S. Dollars or 1.2 million Justice Coins earned to the Innocence Campaign of your choice so you can financially support the Innocent without anyone asking you to use your debit or credit cards to donate. You just made over 107 dollars, and you also donated to the Innocent prisoner’s Innocence Campaign and he just made over 10 bucks because of you. Now picture if 1000 people like you did that every day just for 30 days, that Innocent person will have 10,000 dollars per day added to their Innocence Campaign account managed by them and their loved ones. In one month they will have over 300k in their bank account to fight for their freedom and their exoneration without asking or begging anyone for help. You earn money by supporting a Just Cause that you love, the Innocent make money from you so they can stand up and get back on their feet. Dignity returned. Lives Changed. Families Rebuilt. Feels Good Already -

When you purchase Justice News member plans and earn Justice Coins on the current points-based rewards program, you can also use the same coins to get discounts of up to 40% when you apply promo code 1BUCKOFF on any of our plans or products at checkout on JusticeNews.Net.

Fight Censorship of the Truth |

Corporate social media and state-owned and state-funded legacy media have consistently censored or blocked Justice News from reaching a larger audience. They play by their rigged tactics of controlled algorithms, and with their data-mining manipulation, they deliberately keep us and our original content away from the readers, the listeners, and the viewers. It is even more imperative that we build, move, and stay on our independent, citizen-focused, truth-enabled digital platform where we cannot be censored, bullied, or pushed back, where we can freely reach and engage with our target audience - the People.

The money raised from our subscription plans will also equip us to continue funding our fight to tell the true stories of the wrongfully incarcerated and stay focused on reporting the truth in our struggle to help free the Innocent, without being dependent on any cheap advertising, annoying Google ads, or funding from any government or any corporate lobby.

Take Action | Take Back Control

Long ago we used to send each other handwritten letters using snail mail, now you are reading this electronically, digitally, how long do you think it will take for all your money to go digital too? When all their fake money does go digital and becomes government-controlled, then how much control will you have on that money, that you think you control?

Be a part of something valuable that you can own and control to your advantage and take benefit from. The Justice News App powered by The Justice Coins is a social movement that can truly help change people's lives for the better and render us building something good together. Something that helps people.

Add your name to The Justice Wall and Unshackle the world.


Imran and Team Justice News

| Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of The JBlog.

Imran's podcast is FairPlay Challenging Wrongful Convictions J107 Justice Radio


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