Every second spent on the CIA-Controlled social media Ponzi schemes is a lifetime wasted of your lame existence where nothing significant really ever occurred, moved, or changed, for the better, in reality - except fake numbers to give you orgasms and dumb icons to delude you further into thinking someone gives a shit about you - And you fall for it. LOL. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
20 January 2023 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News | Washington D.C.
And maybe you deserve it - the kind of an imbecile fool you are, too naive and myopic to see the big picture and attack me back for what I will point out to you of your own shit soul, which you may never see, like I never did before, because of our own pathetic pride, and satanic arrogance, and thus you deserve to be where you’re at - Fucking Nowhere -
Justice News refuses to be like you and the existing legacy media sell-outs and those who rely on them. You sell your souls to those who print fake money and control your lives, surveil you and monetize your existence - we want to be the opposite of you - and it's simple - Which means, we will not go to you or to your asinine social media delusion - you can either come to us of your own choosing or go fuck yourselves.

Social Media sites do not create or report the truth or any real news, they politicize it and monopolize it, and sell it to the next bidder, even if it's untrue. They live off of your own backs. They are leeches on you, but you like being sucked on. A North American Addiction. And Mankind’s favorite pass time.
News reporting or the dissemination of truth to reach the audience and create impact and action and attain a goal - is not dependent on what you do, or do not do, on these Ponzi anti-social media sites - Don't ask me for a link to an outside source here and instead go slap yourself hard on the face.
These platforms pay to play you and have internal algorithms which are not designed to work in your favor, they promote or block whoever they want to and rub it in your face. You like being comfortable with their so-called “Digital Jails” while actual innocent human beings suffer in real prisons in your state. Ask yourself, what have you really achieved so far except for losing money and time on them and getting some fake likes and fake numbers that you got because they hired someone who runs bots from India, Ukraine, Russia, Egypt, Pakistan, Cambodia the Philippines, and China, or any other part of the world where you do not have a direct audience or relevance. Those who build their own platforms are far better at reaching their markets and their goals, they create actual milestones, they don't just sit on their asses and click “like” or “share” like morons. Some of the most well-established independent media companies did not rely on any loser social media sites, they relied on good, truthful content and persistence. Slackers stay on and depend on social media, not the actual doers. They are out on the streets and into the world getting things done. Sure you can do things on social media, like sure hookers also make a lot of money. It’s your choice.

Success does not come from these companies, nor from your governments or their funding. It comes from the God. He can bring you success in anything that you want to do, if He wishes to, and in any way that He wants to, but it ain't happening without His Will. Stop making these companies and these fake economies and your governments, and your families, your gods. If the God Chooses to send you success through a duck, then what part did any social media company play in that?
I am sick and tired of the bullying, harassment, overreaching control, and abuse by the CIA-Controlled social media criminal organizations and those who stand with them, to only promote themselves and their badly shot selfies and nothing else, even if it's a billion of you - A massive cluster fuck you, to all of you, collectively!. You do not have the balls to speak up against these criminal companies and hold them accountable for their lies and their unjust censorship and you want to fight for the innocent?
To each one of you, there are two of our brothers next to you fucks, and the other one, that will bring you the taste of the death, don't forget to, like, share, subscribe and tweet then, when he will pull your fucking piece of shit soul from your throat, any second, maybe while you’re reading this.
I will not accept any threats from cockroaches. You can continue doing whatever the fuck you want, the kind of cognitive dissonant sheep you are. If it benefits you, sell them your time and your souls and every aspect of your pathetic little lives, and then go ahead and tweet this, share that, and then self-delude and glorify yourselves then destroy yourselves with it and enjoy it as you do and then shove a fist up your asses.

I used to be like you, but I accept the shit I was and still am, and I'm trying to change my pathetic soul, which you will never like, and instead envy me for that, and despise me, so be dying with your own envy fucker. I wish it comes back upon you perpetually. I know what it took to not be like you anymore by the grace of my Lord, so I'm not going to silently and quietly sit and watch and say nothing or allow you or anyone else to stifle my voice, mother fuckers, whoever the fuck you are, white trash, racist pig, black, brown, red or pink thug or whatever the fuck is your nationality or gender or biases or however the fuck you brand your prejudice and made up religions, here is a middle finger for you all anywhere on this earth.
Except those who believe and do the righteousness. The Submitters True. The Believers True. They are from Nation of Abraham True and not are from the partnering. They don't partner anything or anyone with the God. They are Whole. Complete. The ones who are humble to God. They know they are not here forever. They think surely they will meet their Lord, the God, the Almighty, the Merciful, the Irresistible. They know surely the God is over everything Powerful.
Hate me, crush me, spit at me, come and kill me or do whatever you wish, every soul on this earth will taste the death, with an absolute guarantee, then we all will see, what the God the Almighty will do to you and those you take as your protectors, after you kill me or His Messengers or anyone who believes and says the Truth over the God or says the God my Lord.
You don't have any authority, no power, no morality, no ethics, or esteem, no standing left in your soul because of your own rejection of the God and His Truth, and that is why you are a hollow timber, a walking carcass. You reject the One Who Created you in the first place. You are absolutely unjust being yourself and you demand Justice? Losers. The first Justice is - No god except He, the Mighty, the Wise.

You use your own senile garbage made up fucking-jurisprudence, manipulate the facts, lie, cheat, deceive and then act good by rejecting the Truth we are supposed to Judge with? The Truth you have put in your closets but conveniently use to take your fake oaths of allegiance to your fake gods, or skim over it on Fridays or Sundays or during marriages - I hate you more - but I will not waste my time and energy on you anymore. Instead, I will use the words of the God to obliterate your social media platforms by sending over them the Weapons of Mass Destruction, the truth of the God and His Words, coming at you straight from the mouths of His Messengers, and if wishes my Lord, He will then punish you then destroy you all.
How is this for “Hate Speech”?
You cannot imagine the hatred God and His Messengers are coming to show you traitors and rejectors, enough with your warring the God, now hear with War of the God, a War Severe, that is coming to you soon, when wishes the God, from directions you cannot perceive. You already feel it in your fucked souls.
I will help myself, with help from my Lord, and if He wishes, I will help God and His Messengers first and then help someone else, someone far more important than you - like the poor, the orphans, the beggars, the quiet, the refugees, the homeless, the questioner, the compassionate, the truthful, the captives, the innocent, the one who believes with the God, and the Day the Later. And they don't play bingo.
And the rest of you… fucking hypocrites -
Here is a sign where the God is sending a message through the Holy Spirit Gabriel and telling us, not you, us, about people like you. This is the Unchanged Truth of the God for thousands of years, this will not be changed, and don't ask me to prove it to you - asshole - prove it to your own soul.
“O you! those who believe! don’t you turn to people, anger of the God over them, have they lost hope from the Hereafter, like what they lose hope, the rejecters, from companions of the graves.”
| Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of The JBlog. Imran's podcast FairPlay Challenging Wrongful Convictions airs on J107Justice Radio