It Must Have Been Very Difficult To Bury Your Son Alive - The Boy You Gave Birth To - Mrs. Kirby - Remember The Day When Quindell Was Born?
5 December 2022 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News | Washington D.C.
All that Quindell recalls is -
One night
while asleep
and without any warning,
he was being dragged out of his bed and then out of the bedroom window, by the U.S. Marshalls,
in the middle of the night
with guns pointed at his face.
Quindell recalls, it was like one wrong move
and I'm dead.
No one told him what was going on. No one read him his rights. He was not arrested. He was just picked up, transferred, moved around, and groomed to be railroaded and buried alive forever.
Virginia is one fuckedup state - I knew that well after knowing this state and the D.C. beltway for almost two decades - what I did not realize was how royally fucked up Virginia really is. This happened after speaking with Quindell and going through the basic facts of his case, not the distorted versions of the state and not their media, but the real facts, some of that is available on his blog.
I thought no one can beat Michigan/Shitigan being the worst state in breaking laws and wrongfully convicting innocent people after working on the Temujin Kensu case, but to have this accolade given to my own state like Virginia is surreal. Maybe because Virginians pretend and act as if it's the most educated place to live. Or maybe because of the elite cult of the federal class that furnishes this state at the cost of your tax dollars.
Quindell grew up here and calls Virginia a "Racist Ass State".

I now understand why, because according to the eyewitnesses in his case, who were all white, they saw a white man leaving the scene of the crime, not a black man like Quindell - And Qindell himself was at a hotel with his girlfriend on the day and the time when the crime occurred.
Someone was killed that day. But Quindell says it was not him who did it - and adds that the state of Virginia is involved in a major cover-up. Kirby says his mother sold him to the Richmond cops because they have a lot on her so she joined them in railroading him.
None of his surveillance video footage of the day of the event was ever used at his trial, and after the conviction, Quindell says when he tried to get the DNA and other evidence secured, it was all gathered, packed up, sent away, and then completely destroyed.
The good part is that it's all traceable and documented. The idiots left a trial, for Justice to prevail.
Kirby is taking them all back to court, he says he's not giving up the fight to prove his innocence.
| Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of The JBlog.
Imran's podcast FairPlay Challenging Wrongful Convictions is on J107 Justice Radio