The Murder and Justice For an 11 year old boy Kamran - Beaten to Death.
July 24 2022
I had never imagined that while working with Justice News USA trying to help free the innocent from wrongful convictions in the U.S., one day I would come across criminals of unmatched qualifications, not just in America but also in Pakistan. Some real evil bastards, child murderers with no remorse, absolute cold blooded killers, either by killing someone with an iron rod, or a butcher knife, or even a shotgun to the head, or total suffocation, or simply by aborting a human child - We are all murderers - if not all, then most of us are, but we all have that full capacity to do it. Be warned of it. There is a Killer hidden in each one of us, maybe except a few. Kill that instinct before it makes you kill or you have nothing left but regrets to end up with. People are Wicked - everywhere.
Kamran was a young 11 year old child in Lahore Pakistan, like the ones you see playing in or outside your own home or on the streets in your city or town. Until the man who had bought Kamran and his other three siblings from their grandfather, for whatever reason, just had to kill Kamran, that 11 year old boy, because he says the kid stole.

Sameera Rehman of Justice News Urdu, along with her colleague Khuram Riaz and Javeria Siddique, investigate the cause and the motive behind the murder of Mohammad Kamran and the consequences for the murderer, Abul Hassan, as he sits in Lahore jail awaiting his trial.
Most of the Pakistani media has alleged, that Kamran was murdered because “he stole food from the refrigerator”. This allegation has been denied by the murderer Abul Hassan and he says that Kamran stole money from him which was the rent for the house and because of that he was humiliated infront of the home owner when he came to collect the rent. This hasn't been verified by the homeowner.
The victim, Kamran, who was also the witness, is not here to defend himself against this allegation of his murderer Abul Hassan, or maybe he is just lying to cover his guilt, or protect those who participated or witnessed the killing. Though after being arrested Abdul Hassan did accept the crime. The only other witness to this event is Kamran’s younger brother Rizwan, who survived the beating and is now with the Child Protection Services in Lahore Pakistan. Justice News has reached out to them and is waiting to interview Rizwan and his two other sisters Areeba and Muniba.
This episode of Lost Voices Gumshuda Awazain is going out to Kamran and his three remaining siblings and to all the other young kids who are suffering in similar conditions, anywhere in the world, we will be their voice - this is demonstrated as the three journalists from Justice News Urdu take you through their original factual reporting gathered from on-the-ground-locations where the story broke in Lahore, with research from Rawalpindi and Islamabad, consisting of interviews with the murderer of Kamran, Abul Hassan, the father of Kamran, Mohammad Irfan, and the lead investigator on this case, Sub-Inspector Ghulam Rasool of Lahore Police, who along with his team was able to find, locate and arrest the people responsible for Kamran’s brutal murder.

Abul Hassan used heavy iron rods and strong plastic pipes to beat Kamran to death -
Abul Hassan is a Cold Blooded Killer - While the rest of the Pakistanis in the "Land of the Pure", and this entire dead humanity, sleeps.
Even though Kamran's case might reach a justifiable conclusion soon, if wishes the God,
but for us at Justice News, the fight for justice in Kamran's murder case, has just begun.
Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of The JBlog.
Listen to Imran's podcast FairPlay Challenging Wrongful Convictions on J107 Justice Radio