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The Day they Killed Her and Threw Her in the Ravi River.

Writer: Imran SiddiquiImran Siddiqui

The body of a little girl has been recovered from Ravi River in Lahore by local authorities in Shahdara. Officer Ghulam Saqlain Gondal at Shahdara police is asking people to help identity this girl. No one knows her name yet.

24 October 2022 | Imran Siddiqui and Sameera Rehman| Uncensored | LFX News | Justice News Urdu | LFX Blog | Lahore, Pakistan.

Shouldn't it make you wonder when dead children are repeatedly being found in your local river?. No one really knows the identity of this little girl who was picked up from Ravi river in Lahore on the 23rd, nor does anyone know why or how the body got there.

I didn't plan on writing this article, except for the fact that Justice News Urdu reporter in Lahore Sameera Rehman forwarded me this news today, just when I had finished screaming at my Pakistani friends on social media for not standing up against the suppression, violence and the back stabbing they do to each other, a chaotic society of which, sadly I have also been a part, with the good, the bad and the ugly. The problem is - the ugly is not changing - in fact, it's only getting worse.

Ravi river, once a beautiful sight, is now not only known to be one of the most polluted rivers in the world, but it seems like it's also a dumping ground for the dead. Many people, some tortured, while maybe some not so, have been either found dead floating over the murky waters of this river or dissolved and then dumped in it. Nothing has been done over the years to change things and it seems nothing will get better because the people are satisfied with thier lives and with their river.

Once a Pakistani so-called political reporter told me, at the beginning of my tv interview with him in D.C., that any journalist who hasn't done political reporting is not a real reporter. I ended my interview right there and told him to fuck off and my crew to pack up. This is why Pakistan is so fucked that its not even funny anymore and they sit around bragging about their cheap shot low ball pathetically flawed political reportage, when people in their country don't have food to eat or when their children are found dead in their celebrated dead rivers.

Mariam - A girl found in Ravi River Lahore

But if you are still alive inside, and you or anyone you know has ever seen or known this little girl then contact the police officer in charge of this investigation, his name is officer Ghulam Saqlain Gondal at Shahdara police station Lahore. You can also call or text +92 300 8444995. Maybe there is a mother or a father or a relative who might identify her and tell us her name.

Until that doesn't happen, I will call her Mariam. The girl Pakistan did not want, but she is now in the Garden of the abode with her Lord the God. The One Who will do Justice with her - the one thing that we did not do.

Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of The JBlog. Imran's podcast FairPlay Challenging Wrongful Convictions is on J107 Justice Radio

Murdered and thrown in the Ravi - Watch, download, share the video, help identify this little girl.
Share her story and help Shahdara Police to identify this little girl and her family.


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