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FairPlay EP 7 | Luke Wirkkala, Acquitted.

Writer: Imran SiddiquiImran Siddiqui

The Right To Defend Myself

You have got to seriously pause for a few seconds and put yourself in this situation, after I ask you this question...

What do you do in a moment when you are under assault?...

Luke Wirkkala
Luke Wirkkala at the beach, his first time in 8 years

Should you give in.

Should you run?

Or Should you fight…

There’s not much time left for other questions here.

But what if the attack is also a sexual assault

A man to another man... Someone in your home...

Would that make you think twice about what to do next?

Are you thinking that this is something that cannot happen to you?

If you do, then you live in a dreamworld, like most of us do.

But if you think that you can also be a victim, under assault by a person who was known to have a record and history of aggressive assaults, but you didn’t know about it, then you are not alone.

Luke Wirkkala was also asking himself the same questions, when he was under a sexual assault by someone he had trusted and had invited him to his home after a day of super bowl drinking, but after Luke passed out on his couch, he was awoken at 2 am while David Ryder was assaulting him. It was a moment of reckoning, thus activating the instinct to defend himself.

Luke was wrongfully convicted of murder in 2013 and after a long, exhausting and cruel battle, he was acquitted of that murder in 2021.

The day of Luke Wirkkala's release, from left to right, attorney Thaddeus Betz, Luke, his attorney Joel Wirtz, and investigator Vicki Kipp

Guess how many people get sexually assaulted everyday?

Well, we will never really know, but according to the statistics at Rainn.Org millions of men in the United States have been victims of rape.

  • As of 1998, 2.78 million men in the U.S. had been victims of attempted or completed rape.

  • About 3% of American men—or 1 in 33—have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.

  • 1 out of every 10 rape victims are male.

Do we need more, do I have to bombard you with articles and links and other sources to prove to you that men also suffer from sexual assault and related violence.

I don’t need to. Where would I get a link to source what happened to me about 33 years ago. Who else was in that room to witness what was about to occur? Who can provide a credible eye witness testimony to my claim when some maniac tried to sexually assault me. My witness and my Protector in that room that day and everywhere else, was, and still is, and always will be, The God. During my first year in college someone tried to assault me, but God sent help in ways no one can imagine and I was rescued by a friend who broke through the door and came in while the attacker had a gun pointed at me. I had buried that dreadful episode of my life but got reminded of it because of Luke Wirkkala’s story.

The more I discovered, I said to myself, I have witnessed this behavior myself and I know how it felt like but there is no way to prove that except that God sent my friend to help me that day providing more than one witness. As that evil event unfolded I was mentally and physically preparing to jump on my attacker grab his gun and kill him instead before he tried to hurt me. That's clear self defense.

That would have been also deadly, for either one of us, like in the case of Luke Wirkkala’s attacker

David Ryder, and even though Mr. Ryder is no more here to defend himself, but the trail of his tracks are visible across the internet.

Luke Wirkkala and his sister Evelyn Luethe at beach

In this episode of FairPlay Luke Wirkkala takes you through a weird reality that can turn anybody’s dream into a nightmare and then witness the power of principles, persistence and faith.

God only knows what happened that night, much of what occurred with Luke is covered in the interview and there’s more on All I know is this, that the truth will always prevail, no matter who tries to hide it or how, because Justice is in the Hands of God, the Almighty the Merciful, and no man can ever take that power away, and I know, even if you don't, that surely the God is over everything powerful.

Read more at The Blog on Justice News.Net



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