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Debbie Curnutte and Robert Lewingdon | Unshackled 9 | NPA W.V Responds To The Jesse Dreyfuse Case

Writer: Imran SiddiquiImran Siddiqui

Despite the Odds Against the Residents of Cabell County, at the hands of their Own County and the Criminal Justice System of West Virginia, NPA, National Public Awareness, remains Hopeful that Judge Hoke Will Do the Right Thing in the Case of Jesse Dreyfuse.

8 December 2022 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News | Washington D.C.

Really? -

They will do the right thing on January 9, 2023?

Are you okay?

Or maybe they will...

The reason why I'm not optimistic about what they will decide on the Jesse Dreyfuse case, which is by now clearly a colossal fuck up of epic proportions on the part of the entire judicial system of Cabel County and of the state of West Virginia, and there is no shameless way to denying it, except for the time when they did grant Jesse his well fought, well-presented, facts-based and well-delivered victories despite their hesitance to do so. It looks bad on the part of the state but it would look better if they would just own up.

Jesse has already proven his innocence, with the will of the God, vindicated of what they falsely accused and convicted him of. Now what is actually going on is, maybe, Jesse's fellow men are just trying hard to deny the reality. This method will only compound the problems and worries for the state as they keep encircling themselves around a self-made, self-destructive trap. Every injustice ultimately meets its end.

I am also hopeful - but not because of what people think or what the judges and the prosecutors and the counties and the states and their jurisprudence and legal theories or their made-up self-serving bullshit laws or their doctors of it, and for sure not because I trust their failed and damned system - the reason why I'm hopeful is because I trust over my Lord the God. He is the Just and the Almighty and the Merciful. He is the Listener and the Watcher.

If He will wish it, then something good will happen, and then no one in between the heavens and the earths can stand in front of that decision. And if He wishes, not to, then no entity can change His decision. All we can do is accept or reject, your choice. If you do accept then put your trust in the God. Because He knows and we don't. He will not fail you while this mankind and their flawed system will - for sure - I guarantee you.

Debbie Curnutte and Robert Lewingdon of NPA national Public Awareness based out of Cabel County in West Virginia have been working on Jesse's case for over 3 years now and they say, they might know the reason why Judge Jay M. Hoke is taking his time to make a final decision on this case.

Debbie and Robert feel that the judge is gathering more data because he doesn't want to be wrong - not for himself and not for Jesse. And the most important thing of all is, that maybe judge Hoke wants to do the right thing.


| Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of The JBlog.

Imran's podcast FairPlay Challenging Wrongful Convictions on J107 Justice Radio


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