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Dear Temujin Kensu. America Does Not Give a Fuck about Your Wrongful Conviction.

Writer: Imran SiddiquiImran Siddiqui

They Do Give a Cluster Fuck about a Satanic Ritual that they Love called Halloween.

1 November 2022 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News | Washington D.C.

Peace Temujin.

Thank you for your message.

From what I understand, the more you spoke the truth, the more you stood up for your wrongful conviction the more they are trying to punish you. But what is good to know is that you are still fighting them back, with the grace of God, against their lies, their bullying tactics, their corruption, and their denial and rejection of the truth. The murders inside your prison that you talked about are representative of the cultist and evil policies of the anti-human political prison system called “The Divided Failed States of America” on the outside. It doesn't move me anymore. I have accepted the fact that your country, after betraying you, and betraying themselves and betraying their Creator has no more hope left. I was wrong to think that America would make a difference. Your people have chosen to be on a path of no return which embraces self-harm and self-destruction.

Thanks to my Lord everything is fine here with me, but not on this earth, and not inside people's souls, because of their complete selfishness, injustice and total destitution of Faith in God. Soon they will reap what they sowed. The Time of Harvest is near and approaching.

Those who secretly say one thing and then openly say something else are called Hypocrites. The hypocrite who showed you my posts failed to mention to you that the posts don't prove that I’m angry at the world, but it does prove that I am angry at your fellow American citizens, because of their own, utter destitution and lack of the very faith, they so claim to follow. What else can I call them except “Hypocrites.” How can I deny them that truth which I understand with clarity because I myself used to be exactly like them? And the proof of that is in what I say. When I post something calling out Americans who celebrated the past 40 satanic evil rituals like Halloween and other satanic rituals that they enjoy and celebrate, against their own Bible that they so happily hold, while an Innocent man like Temujin Kensu and thousands like him suffer in their prison cells, alone, for 23 hours a day, 365 days a year, forgotten, dumped like a bad habit that was actually good, then I must call them out, and anyone who has a brain cell can prove that with hard facts and evidence. I don't need to post any damn links to prove your innocence or to make someone happy.

Where are the street protests against your wrongful conviction? Where is the public cry and outrage? Where are the warriors of justice? What? They are all sold out?. I got it. They accept it! So yes, I will call these satans out, no matter what they call me or translate the truth based on their own thoughts and biases against the truth, just because they don't like it.

One of the reasons I must speak the truth is that I did not come to the earth just to live, I am here to die and when that occurs, as it will for you and for all those who have wrongfully, unjustly, and knowingly imprisoned you, and the rest of your fellow mankind, then it will be all about the Truth, and each soul will only say exactitude. So I must practice that while I'm alive. It's very difficult because most of mankind will celebrate you for lying. Thus they are mostly liars themselves.

I would advise you, not to be from the despairing yourself, those who are astray do that. Your saying that “Big Brother is Watching” is foolish and demonstrates a lack of Faith. It shows who you are really afraid of.

First, they are not my “Big Brother''. Allow me to introduce to you my “Big Brothers'' they are called “The Pious'', like the Messengers of the God, like the highest one of them being the Holy Spirit of the God, Gabriel and like Michael, and like from all the Angel Messengers of the God, and like the 2 Angel Messengers of the God with you, and like the 2 with anyone else who is reading this from the mankind - one on the right and the other on the left - and like the believing men and the believing women, and the Muslims True, which are few from this mankind. Not the so-called “fake Muslims” you see today who partner Mohammed with God, just like the fake Christians who partner Messiah Jesus with God. Absolutely deluded. And it is not Priceless. It will come at a very Heavy Price.

From this mankind today, the only true Muslims are probably the ones that I can count on my fingers. A Muslim or Submitter is one who submits to Lord of the knowing. Though there is one Messenger of the God on the earth today from the mankind that I did tell you about, his name is Asad Sirohey and he’s at But this mankind runs away from him like donkeys run from Lions. Which only confirms what the Quran is saying about them. Peace over all the Messengers, and the praise to the God Lord of the knowing.

So now you know who my "Big Brothers" are, what you meant to say is that they “the Government '' is so-called watching, that's your MindControl, (Govern = Control, and Mente = Mind). But the issue is, that the One Who Created everything in the Heavens and in the Earths and what between them both, He is actually “Watching and Listening and Recording” everyone and everything and the evidence against the people and this generation is being gathered. So just wait when His surveillance video, which cannot be altered or deleted, will be presented in His Court of Law. It will be a sight to behold.

You see, when you or they fight me, because I fight you and them, because you and them fight God, then your war is with Him. And Soon He will bring His War upon you and them or anyone else who stands against Him and His Way, then you and they will know for sure, while they see the punishment, Who Was and Is Actually In Charge. Don’t believe it? Ask the dead, if you can.

So don't be afraid of them, or your thoughts, or their thoughts without the truth, or the satan and his weak forces because the Forces of God that are coming, with His Will, cannot be pushed back, They are “The Unstoppable.”

As for the other posts I made about the people of Pakistan, it was because 2 million people followed Arshad Sharif, a Pakistani investigative journalist who broke the story of the corruption in Pakistan MindControl, the Government and it’s military. Everyone knew they were coming to kill him, he ran to Dubai and then to Kenya and was shot dead there, and not a single one of the 2 million losers who followed him actually came to support or help him - “Hypocrites”- Now they made him a martyr. That's what they will probably do with you too. That’s what they always try to do to anyone who comes with the truth. They mock him, attack him and then kill him but then they themselves don’t tarry for long on this earth.

The Pharaohs of today make you fear them and thus they become your gods. What you Fear and what You Love, becomes your god, so be watchful of who you are fearing and who you are loving the most. Your first Love must be for God because you were not a thing and he thought of you and created you. The only Fear that you must have is The Fear of The God, there is no other fear needed or required. This life is a joke, it's a test, a trial. We are all being tested. It will surely end for us all, one by one. Who are they going to Fear when we all stand in front of the God, the Almighty?

As far as your case is concerned, I have reminded you many times that no one in America really cares. Your people are lost and have gone absolutely astray. They celebrate fake traditions and make idols their gods. They do not follow Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, Messenger of the God and His Word, who was not crucified and not killed but was raised by the God the Almighty to Himself. And when God sends back the Messiah Jesus to this earth again, the first ones to try and kill him again and mock him and call him, the so-called “Anti-Christ” will be these fake Christians themselves. I’m still waiting to meet a true Christian. A Christian or a Nasara is a Helper of God, these fake Christians on the earth today are helpers of the satan.

Americans today don’t care about the oppressed or the unjustly and wrongfully incarcerated, they care about their gods being banned on Twitter or Facebook. They watch endless TikTok videos of their fellowmen spending vast amounts of time picking up or cleaning dog shit. They love their dogs more than their fellowmen. While you have not had a chance to drink a cold glass of fresh water from the fridge in the last 4 decades, they throw away megatons of their pure food and pure water in the garbage every day. Your presidents, your governors, mayors, attorney generals, prosecutors, public pretenders, your judges, your entire “criminal” injustice system is designed to oppress you and Americans, your fellow citizens, agree with that. They don't support causes, they only support their own biases. So no, no one in America gives a fuck.

No human or demon nor anyone else on this earth, none of us can help you or me except with the Will of the God. He is the only One Who can exonerate you with His Will, if and however He wishes and chooses to do so.

God is the One Who has forgiven and exonerated innocent people, not anyone from mankind, mankind only knows how to screw people or themselves. He can use someone as an instrument if He Wishes to but He doesn't need it.

If any one of these people today who say they exonerate the innocent, ask them - where the fuck were you the past 400 years of America's wrongful convictions? Or, why have they not exonerated the 97% of the innocent in U.S. prisons today who can easily be proven innocent just by looking at the corrupt plea bargain deals? Those who are saying that are actually defining what a "Loser" means. They can't free their own shit when they are constipated.

So don't turn to this arrogantly sick mankind that is absolutely unjust with their own Creator, and with their own souls, how can they be just with you? - Weak the seeker and the sought -

But Turn to the God and serve Him exclusively, submit to Him, surrender to Him, don’t partner anything or anyone with your Lord, and ask Him Forgiveness, ask Him for Mercy, ask Him for Guidance, call Him for Help, for Protection, for Sustenance, be sincere to Him and His Messengers and His Books. He is the Creator of Miracles. He is the Giver of Life and Giver of Death. He is the Resurrector. He answers the call of the caller when calls Him, but how much do we answer His call?



| Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of The JBlog.

Imran's podcast FairPlay Challenging Wrongful Convictions is on J107 Justice Radio


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