The Silent Good | by Patricia Gonzalez Osorio | Nominee Best Documentary Film The Crossover Award | From Spain | #Crossoverfilmfest | |

My objective with this documentary is to show the difficulties that the inhabitants of these towns (sections of all civilization) have to obtain drinking water.
The water well is approved by the community of Cinkassé and on the basis of donations, it has been possible to reach the amount they needed to be able to build it. The film documentary will be presented to participate in film festivals, but also, we want to project it in some halls, from different cities, not only in Spain but outside our borders so that people can witness the need that many remote towns in Africa have to construct water wells to be able to survive and have a decent life.
Another objective that has moved me to make the documentary is: 'show that, the money that is donated in some NGOs reach their destination and their projects, as it has been in the construction of the water well in Tabi and that there is to highlight it so that we all encourage to help in some way.
And with the documentary I also want to say that:
'Evil makes a lot of noise, instead good ... is silent
