Hello to all - Thank you for your support and for considering your film for the Crossover Film Fest. We are screening films on the big screen directly from the secure online screeners where filmmakers submitted their films. Its less clutter, low expense and safe, as well as high quality. We would love it if you and your team and family are there to share and watch your work with others. If you cant make it then a video testimonial will be really cool if possible. But your presence will be highly appreciated and welcomed. We are working with CFF judges to develop a system where filmmakers can get truthful feedback on their films. We feel festival announcements should be more than just "Selected/Accepted" or "Not Selected/Rejected". They should be a way to move forward with a constructive two-way open dialog and communication. Do share your ideas on CFF as a monthly, or daily or as a weekend fest on LFXTV, what would you like to see happen and what role would you like to play in that with your films.
We have over 700 films, and as one of the directors, Jeff Musillo, director of the film,
The Perception of Time, has suggested, we can run 2 films every day on LFX until the next CFF. We would like to offer revenue sharing modules to filmmakers from our upcoming monthly, quarterly and yearly subscriptions packages on LFXTV as well as our future advertising and commercial airtime. We want LFX to be the filmmakers network, each person becomes a stake holder. More so if we plan to work on and launch LFX ICO and subsequently LFX IPO, we will always keep the filmmakers and the viewers equal equity holders of LFX so they dont ever have to ask anyone for funds to make their films nor to go and watch them. LFX can be a game changer. As soon as we are ready to launch the CFF Feedback system you'll hear back from us.
Stay tuned for more updates on CrossoverFilmFest.com and subscribe to stay in the loop. Check out the CFF Judges page here https://www.crossoverfilmfest.com/judges2018 In the mean time lets launch CFF on Nov 4 2018 if wishes God. And we hope to see you there with friends. Sincerely - - Team CFF
