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Trent Taylor | FairPlay EP15 S2 | Dis-Qualified Immunity.

Writer: Imran SiddiquiImran Siddiqui

"Taylor v. Riojas" A Crack In The Wall of Dis-Qualified Immunity.

When Govt. Thugs Have No Place Left To Hide.

December 24 2021 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News

Who Watches The Watchers?

Especially when the so-called "Watchers" "Guards" are evil and mentally sick.

So imagine you’re in prison for something that you did and you've been judged upon by the court system and you're in there paying the price of what you did. Fair enough. But what happens when while you're in there paying the price of the wrong that you did, you also get some extra benefits, like -

Being Punched

Beat Up

Your Balls Getting Smacked With a Rod

Leaving You Naked For a Couple of Days in Freezing Temperatures While You Sleep In Urine

With Shit All Around You - on the Walls the Ceilings the Floor - spread by a Hepatitis C Patient.


Well, because they want to teach you a lesson, punish you so badly that you never forget it.

Trent Taylor | Taylor v Riojas

"Yes. I will never forget it. The way you took away my God given rights protected by the constitution that you swore to uphold, I will not forget it. How you violated my soul, I will keep coming at you with such a force that you won’t be able to push back, until Justice is achieved, and you are held accountable".

If you don't believe this, then let's speak with someone who went through all that and some more, someone you can't push back, and that is Trent Taylor from Texas. Trent proved through the decision of the highest court in the United States, the Supreme Court, that just because you work for the government you can't fuck with me and get away with it.

I will come after you. I will come and get you.

What was Taylor v Riojas?

On November 2, 2020 the Supreme Court decided Taylor v. Riojas, holding that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit erred in granting qualified immunity to correctional officers sued by Trent Taylor regarding the conditions of his confinement in a Texas prison.

Trent Taylor's case in the words of Juan Pablo Garnham from Texas

“Taylor is suing six officers from the John T. Montford Psychiatric Facility Unit in Lubbock (Luhbick) Texas. Taylor alleged in the federal district court in Lubbock that he was naked when he was forced into a cell whose floor, windows, walls and ceiling were covered in feces. The faucet in the cell was also covered with feces and Taylor said he could not drink water. After three days, Taylor was transferred to a cell with a clogged drain overflowing with raw sewage. That cell had no bed or a toilet. Taylor claims he was told to urinate on the floor.”
No reasonable correctional officer could have concluded that, under the extreme circumstances of this case, it was constitutionally permissible to house Taylor in such deplorably unsanitary conditions for such an extended period of time," the ruling said.

Trent Taylor

Game Over - After listening and speaking with Trent myself, I don't think any of the news media got it right, maybe except a few of them, like Beth Schwartzapfel and Tony Plohetski of The Marshall Project. They did describe some of his ordeals in detail but Taylor went through a lot worse than what's been written so far or what any court of law can ever come to undo, the kind of deep damage that has been done to one's psyche. Maybe the jury of his peers would make better decisions than those prison guards.

At least this long awaited due diligence on the part of the U.S. Supreme Court has put a crack in the unjust wall of Qualified Immunity that shields government officials from accountability. In easy English, Blatant Thuggery.

Now it's just a dead carcass that the wolves will feed on to eviscerate it. One by one they will all fall down.

Listen to Trent speak his mind and the truth about what the 49 prison guards did to him in those human feces filled cells, and disgusting human feces, they absolutely are.

| Imran Siddiqui is the managing editor at Justice News and the author of the JBlog.

Email - or Catch his podcast FairPlay on j107 Justice Radio


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