Jesse Dreyfuse Has Spent a Decade Wrongfully Convicted in the State of West Virginia. And Now They Have Wrongfully Put Him In Solitary Confinement For Drug Trafficking With No Evidence.
20 March 2022 | Jesse Dreyfuse | Cabell County, West Virginia.
Moundsville Prison Staff Nicole Miller and investigator Tina Paccewski claimed wrongful conviction advocate Barbara White-Duggan sent me, Edward Jesse Dreyfuse, documents that tested positive for cannabinoids and then charged me, Dreyfuse, with trafficking drugs.

I had a prison hearing in front of Rob O'Neil and was not allowed to question Tina or see any evidence of the alleged test performed or results. They just don't exist. "THEY LIED"
Rob O'Neil found me, Jesse Dreyfuse, guilty of trafficking drugs and sentenced me to 60 days in the hole. Barbara and I included demanded a State Police investigation into the prison accusations of Barbara trafficking drugs into the prison.
The West Virginia State Police have stated the prison has not provided any evidence or made a formal complaint of allegations of drug trafficking. Although Tina has told Barbara that state police had been called.
The prison refuses to comment on these matters. Wrongfully accused and Wrongfully convicted, yet again, Edward Jesse Dreyfuse now sits in the hole as West Virginia. prison staff defames wrongful conviction advocates with false allegations of trafficking drugs into the facility.
Yet they deny me the opportunity to speak to the State Police regarding the allegations.

We have spoken to the West Virginia Homeland Security Sheila Daves who has turned this over to their investigators.
Call and voice your opinion at 304-558-2930 and demand Justice.
Thank you for all your support.
This will be done by the will of the God.
Jesse Dreyfuse is an Author at Justice News. CTA | Call To Action with Jesse Dreyfuse