"CALL TO ACTION" With Jesse Dreyfuse on
9 February 2023 | Jesse Dreyfuse | Cabell County, West Virginia.
Attorney Mark Plants informed me that he has interviewed and consulted with the nationally renowned and prestigious Dr. Thomas Berger of Miami, one of the nations leading experts in his field, he sounds perfect... I'm excited, Attorney Plants stated.
"I have emailed all medical records, autopsy report, Touchon letter, and law to Doctor Berger yesterday and I sent him a check today for his services", Attorney Plants relayed.
By the will of THE GOD Attorney Plants has located the right medical professional for the task. GLORY TO THE GOD, what a wonderful blessing He has provided. I know that it is only by the grace of the GOD the case is moving to the final resolution. My faith in the Judicial system was misplaced and I learned a hard lesson, a wrongful conviction for a murder I did not commit opened my eyes. Put your faith in THE GOD and as He wills Justice will prevail.
I have to say, I had and still have little trust in the Judicial system and in Attorney Mark Plants. The delays in locating the required expert were uncalled for and there was an appearance of impropriety and deliberate delays being caused by Attorney Mark Plants, by being unprepared intentionally. My prayers were answered and the blessing of THE GOD provided Attorney Plants to find Doctor Berger so the case can be brought to Justice.

I had tried to have Attorney Plants removed as my Standby counsel on several occasions without success. I prayed on this many days and nights and would keep my conversations with Imran close. I value Imran and his advice and his sharing of the words of the Qur'an inspired me, and by the will of THE GOD, He guided me to read and learn the Word. This fight for Justice and freedom is not yet over, there will be struggles still, but the glory to GOD, and He is praised. He has provided me with all I need. My struggles are minute. My tests have been true and the Lord has guided me on this path without question. Imagine the gifts He provided in allowing me to learn the language and proceedings of law so that I was able to file the actions and plead the case.
THE GOD is my Defender and He allowed me the ability to assist in this incredible fight for Justice and freedom of the wrongful murder conviction that was deliberately secured by the deliberate presentment of false fabricated evidence and perjured testimony under the atrocities of criminalized police, prosecutorial and Judicial misconducts that have consumed West Virginia's Cabell County Courthouse for decades. I am humbled by the graces and blessings of THE GOD.
A man condemned to a living death sentence under a deliberately secured wrongful murder conviction who was given the gift of understanding the language and proceedings of law and being able to apply it in not only my case but for many others who THE GOD wills I assist.

This story is not alone in comparison to many others who have suffered the injustice of being wrongfully convicted. Many have spent decades imprisoned under a wrongful conviction and have languished behind prison walls without care or concern and were forgotten by family and friends. Many turn to the wickedness of the Satan that lurks behind the prison walls only to suck you down to the Fire of Hell forever. However, many of those who were released from their wrongful convictions had put their faith in THE GOD, trusting in His will, and giving the Glory to THE GOD for His graces and blessings. My advice to anyone who is sitting in a prison cell under a wrongful conviction is to find THE ONE GOD, pray to Him and ask for guidance and forgiveness, ask for strength and courage, ask for knowledge, patience, and wisdom, speak with clarity, and study the law. The only Defense needed is THE GOD. My prayer is to THE GOD, giving Glory and Praise to Him for His graces, gifts, tests, and challenges. Every day is a good day even when it appears to be the worse. What appears to be bad could always be worse. Every day is a blessing of THE GOD and should be accepted as just that. SALAM, GOD IS GREAT.
Jesse Dreyfuse is an Author at Justice News. CTA | Call To Action with Jesse Dreyfuse